MAX and MIN ----------- Version 1.0 Freeware by Mike Mezaros ------------------------ (C)opyright 1991 No Harm, No Foul, Inc. --------------------------------------- Freeware is software that you may use and distribute without charge, but may not modify in any way. The Windows Program Manager doesn't give you the option of deciding whether a program you launch should be minimized or maximized. Using Max and Min, this is no problem... Max handles maximizing, Min handles minimizing. Copy both MIN.EXE and MAX.EXE to your Windows directory. These programs were written in Microsoft Visual Basic, so they require that VBRUN100.DLL be somewhere in your path. This file is widely available. If you have access to CompuServe, it is available as VBRUN.ZIP in the Microsoft Languages Forum (GO MSLANG) in Library #6. How to use: ----------- Here is a typical Windows command line (as in the Properties... box of the Program Manager). This example uses the shareware program WinGif. c:\gifs\wingif.exe If you would like WinGif to start Maximized, change that to: Max c:\gifs\wingif.exe If you would like WinGif to start Minimized, change that to: Min c:\gifs\wingif.exe The only problem is that the Program Manager will change the icon for WinGif to the icon for Max or Min. This is easily solved. In the Properties... box, hit "Change Icon..." Change the line MIN.EXE or MAX.EXE to c:\gifs\wingif.exe, hit "View Next", and then hit OK. Note ---- Running Min or Max without the name of a program after them will present a dialog box that explains how to use them. How to contact the author ------------------------- FidoNet FidoMail, Mike Mezaros: Node 1:107/331 FoReM-Net E-Mail, Mike Mezaros: Node 593 GEnie via Z*Net Publishing: Z-NET CompuServe via Z*Net Publishing: 75300,1642 InterNet via Z*Net Publishing: 75300, Z*Net 24-Hour BBS: (908)-968-8148 Legal Disclaimers ----------------- Even if one of these programs forces your computer to explode, which causes your house to burn down, which destroys all of your valuables, starts a forest fire, which makes its way to the local harbor, then spreads to an oil tanker, and eventually causes a major environmental disaster, I am NOT responsible. I am not responsible for ANYTHING that might happen to you or your computer or anyone or anything because of this little program. Whether it be a damaged diskette or a hole in the ozone layer. Min and Max have been tested thoroughly, but I don't offer any guarantees or warranties of any kind (neither express nor implied). Use them at your own risk! >>WARNING<< ------------ At some unknown point in time, the entire universe, including these programs, will collapse into itself. A new universe will then develop, and it cannot be guaranteed that these programs will exist in that new universe. The End! --------